Here are some nifty sites and ones I like on the interwebs!
Site Building fun
SadGrls Layout Builder- Awesome customizeable layout maker!Glitter Text Maker- Soo many options and I love eyestrainish glitter text!
88x31 Button Maker!- I used this to make my site button!
Friends and Other Cool Sites!
Megaliths!- I know this person irl! Their site is super cool and showcases their rock collection! Go say hi in their guestbook for me!!Segment Obscured Another irl friend :). Here they collect obscure music that isn't available on streaming platforms!
Literature Clock!
ASCII Weather!
Short Stories I Enjoy
The Last QuestionThe Egg-This one is extra special to me. I read it whenever I'm feeling down and it makes me feel better about how things go.
The Yellow Wallpaper
Antihypoxiant Fun twist :)